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A new online tool offers an easier way to calculate an introduction's human health categorisation volume. You may need to know this information when working out your introduction’s human health exposure band at step 4.3 of the ‘Guide to categorising your chemical importation and manufacture’ (Categorisation Guide).
The calculator tool is an alternative to manually working out your human health categorisation volume (HHCV) using the equations in the Categorisation Guide. You can use this tool if you know the end use of the chemical that you’re importing or manufacturing, as well as the quantity that you will introduce in an AICIS registration year.
Just select from one of 5 end-use scenarios that apply to the chemical that you’re importing or manufacturing. Then enter the introduction quantity or volume in kilograms. The tool will instantly calculate the HHCV of your chemical introduction.
If the chemical you’re introducing has more than one end use, you can add extra scenarios and introduction volumes. For example, if you manufacture 1,000 kg of a chemical in Australia that’s exported for an end use overseas and import 500 kg of the chemical for use in local consumer products, then the calculator will incorporate these scenarios in the equation to give you a final answer.
Using the new calculator to precisely calculate categorisation volumes may mean your introduction ends up being in a lower human health exposure band with less regulatory obligations.