Choose from 5 options:
Optional: If you’d like to save or print your completed decision tool for your own records, click on ‘Chemical identity’ before Question 1 and enter your chemical’s name or CAS number. Note that a copy of a completed decision tool is not sufficient to meet your record-keeping obligations. To save as a PDF, select the print option in your browser and choose ‘Save as PDF’ or ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’. For Safari users, click 'File' and 'Export to PDF'.
This decision tool only applies for introductions with an environment exposure band of 1. If your introduction is in environment exposure band 1, you can use this decision tool to help you work out:
There are 1‐10 questions depending on your circumstances. This tool refers to the Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines. You can find this document on this page:
See the full list of decision tools to help you categorise your introduction
Help us improve these tools by giving us your feedback.
Information about the following for your chemical: