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Decision tools to help you categorise your chemical importation or manufacture

These decision tools are designed help you categorise your chemical importation or manufacture (introduction).

These self-guided tools will help you categorise your introduction as either listedexempted, reported or assessed. You’ll need to refer to these documents to help you answer some of the questions. 

Step 0: Introductions that are in the listed category

This decision tool is coming soon. Please use Step 0 of our 'Guide to categorising your chemical importation or manufacture' (Categorisation Guide) to work out if your introduction is in the listed category.

Step 1: Introductions that cannot be exempted or reported

We're currently updating this decision tool and it will be back online soon. Please use Step 1 of our 'Guide to categorising your chemical importation or manufacture' (Categorisation Guide).

Step 2: Introductions that are categorised as exempted

Decision tool – Work out if your introduction is categorised as exempted

Decision tool – Work out if your polymer is a Polymer of Low Concern (PLC)

Step 3: Introductions that are categorised as reported

Decision tool - Work out if your introduction is categorised as reported

Step 4: Work out the human health risk of your introduction

Step 4.1: Introductions that are always medium to high risk for human health

Decision tool – Work out if your introduction is medium to high risk for human health

Step 4.2: Introductions that can be low risk for human health

Decision tool – Work out if your introduction is low risk for human health (because it is internationally assessed for human health) 

Step 4.3: Work out your human health exposure band

Decision tool – Work out your human health exposure band

Step 4.4 and 4.5: Work out your human health hazard characteristics

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for human health exposure band 1: use this tool if your introduction is in human health exposure band 1.

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for human health exposure band 2: use this tool if your introduction is in human health exposure band 2.

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for human health exposure band 3: use this tool if your introduction is in human health exposure band 3.

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for human health exposure band 4: use this tool if your introduction is in human health exposure band 4.

Step 5: Work out the environment risk of your introduction

Step 5.1: Introductions that are always medium to high risk to the environment

Decision tool – Work out if your introduction is medium to high risk to the environment

Step 5.2: Introductions that can be low risk to the environment

Decision tool – Work out if your introduction is low risk for the environment (because it is internationally assessed for the environment)

Step 5.3: Work out your environment exposure band

Decision tool – Work out your environment exposure band

Step 5.4 and 5.5: Work out your environment hazard characteristics

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for environment exposure band 1: use this tool if your introduction is in environment exposure band 1

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for environment exposure band 2: use this tool if your introduction is in environment exposure band 2.

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for environment exposure band 3: use this tool if your introduction is in environment exposure band 3.

Decision tool – Hazard characteristics for environment exposure band 4: use this tool if your introduction is in environment exposure band 4.

Step 6: Complete your categorisation

Decision tool - Complete your categorisation

Help us improve these tools by giving us your feedback.

Last updated
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