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Registration is still open on AICIS Business Services for the 2024-25 registration year (1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025).

Changes to categorisation, reporting and record-keeping requirements now in effect

Regulatory changes to categorisation, reporting and record keeping start today – read our revised website guidance to keep up to date.

We’ve revised our website content on categorisation, reporting and record-keeping obligations based on changes that we previously announced were taking effect on 24 April. Templates and forms in AICIS Business Services have also been updated. The changes are due to amendments to the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019 (Rules) and Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines, which will:

  • make compliance easier for introducers 
  • better protect the health of Australians and our environment from highly hazardous chemicals.

Amended Rules - now available

A revised and updated Industrial Chemicals Categorisation Guidelines (Guidelines) has been issued by the AICIS Executive Director. 

Updated Categorisation Guide available

We have released a new version of the ‘Guide to categorising your chemical importation or manufacture’ (Categorisation Guide), which incorporates the revised Guidelines and Rules.

Updated guidance on reporting and record-keeping obligations

We’ve updated the Reporting and record-keeping obligations section of our website relating to listed, exempted and reported introductions. 

If you are a chemical introducer, we recommend that you visit (or revisit) these pages to understand which regulatory requirements have changed and, in many instances, how you can benefit. If you complied with record keeping requirements in the Rules prior to amendments (including holding a written undertaking from the person who holds the chemical identity), then you will still be compliant.

The Guidelines document is the same as the final draft that we published in March 2024, but with one typographical correction to the definition of low levels of low molecular weight species in Part 6.1. The word ‘greater’ has been replaced by ‘less’ (shown in bold below):

Low levels of low molecular weight species (in relation to a polymer) means less than 10% (by mass) of molecules with a molecular weight that is less than 500 g/mol and less than 25% (by mass) of molecules with a molecular weight that is less than 1,000 g/mol


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