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Registration is still open on AICIS Business Services for the 2024-25 registration year (1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025).

Apply for annual export authorisation - Rotterdam Convention

Australia is committed to controlling the trade of certain industrial chemicals that are toxic to human health and the environment. If you wish to export certain chemicals covered under the Rotterdam Convention, you must apply and pay a fee.

Who must apply

Anyone seeking to export the following chemicals must apply and receive authorisation.

List of chemicals subject to export conditions


Section 73 of the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules prohibits the export of certain industrial chemicals subject to the Rotterdam Convention without our prior authorisation. Penalties apply for non-compliance.

Note: Exporters are responsible for staying informed about the status of Annex III-listed or severely restricted chemicals and any related export responses. This information is published in the PIC Circular.

Chemical nameCAS number
Commercial octabromodiphenyl ether (including Hexabromodiphenyl ether and Heptabromodiphenyl ether)36483-60-0, 68928-80-3
Commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (including tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether)32534-81-9, 40088-47-9
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)25637-99-4

Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonates, perfluorooctane sulfonamides and perfluorooctane sulfonyls, including:

(i) potassium perfluorooctane sulfonate; and

(ii) lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate; and

(iii) ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate;


(iv) diethanolammonium perfluorooctane

sulfonate; and

(v) tetraethylammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate; and

(vi) didecyldimethylammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate; and

(vii) N‑ethylperfluorooctane sulfonamide; and

(viii) N‑methylperfluorooctane sulfonamide; and

(ix) N‑ethyl‑N‑(2‑hydroxyethyl) perfluorooctane sulfonamide; and

(x) N‑(2‑hydroxyethyl)‑N‑methylperfluorooctane sulfonamide; and

(xi) perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride

1691-99-2, 1763-23-1, 24448-09-7, 251099-16-8, 2795-39-3, 29081-56-9, 29457-72-5, 307-35-7, 31506-32-8, 4151-50-2, 56773-42-3, 70225-14-8

Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs), including:

(i) hexabromobiphenyl; and

(ii) octabromobiphenyl; and

(iii) decabromobiphenyl

13654-09-6, 27858-07-7, 36355-01-8
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)1336-36-3
Polychlorinated Terphenyls (PCTs)61788-33-8
Short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCP)85535-84-8
Tetraethyl lead78-00-2
Tetramethyl lead75-74-1
Tributyl tin compounds1461-22-9, 1983-10-4, 2155-70-6, 24124-25-2, 4342-36-3, 56-35-9, 85409-17-2
Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate126-72-7
Decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE)1163-19-5
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)*335-67-1  
PFOA salts* 

PFOA‑related compounds*, including:

  • any related substance (including its salts and polymers) having a linear or branched perfluoroheptyl group with the formula C7F15- directly attached to another carbon atom as one of the structural elements 
  • any related substance (including its salts and polymers) having a linear or branched perfluorooctyl group with the formula C8F17- as one of the structural elements

*Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA‑related compounds does not include:

-    C8F17-X, where X = F, Cl, Br
-    C8F17-C(=O)OH, 
-    C8F17-C(=O)O-X′ (where X′ = any group, including salts) or 
-    C8F17-CF2-X′ (where X′ = any group, including salts)

If your chemical is one of these you must use our Guide to categorising your chemical importation and manufacture to work out your introduction category.

Information you must provide

You’ll need the following information:

  • Exporter’s and importer’s contact details, including an ABN (if applicable)
  • AICIS registration number (if applicable)
  • Common name and trade name of the PIC chemical
  • CAS number
  • AHECC code
  • Intended use of the chemical – industrial, pesticide or both
  • Safety data sheet and label in the official language of the destination country

How to apply

There are 5 export scenarios, and each belongs to one of either category A, B or C.

Category A

Export Authorisation #1 - An Australian business exporting an Annex III-listed chemical or severely restricted chemical to a destination country that is a Party to the Rotterdam Convention, and it has provided an import response to the chemical. The business can meet the conditions of the import response.

Instructions for Category A

  1. Download and complete 
  2. Log in to AICIS Business Services and click 'Other applications'
  3. For the application type, select 'Rotterdam Convention - Annual Export authorisation - Category A or Category C' and fill in your business contact and application contact. Then click Save.
  4. In 'Upload application form', upload the form.
  5. Pay invoice and submit the application form

Category B

  • Export Authorisation #2 - An Australian business exporting a banned or severely restricted chemical to a destination country that is a Party to the Rotterdam Convention, but it has not provided an import response to the chemical.

  • Export Authorisation #3 - An Australian business exporting a banned or severely restricted chemical to a destination country that is a Party to the Rotterdam Convention, and it has provided an import response of ‘no consent’ to the chemical.

  • Export Authorisation #4 - An Australian business exporting a chemical that is restricted in Australia to a destination country. 

Instructions for Category B

  1. Complete 2 forms - Export Notification form and the
  2. Log in to AICIS Business Services and click 'Other applications'
  3. For the application type, select 'Rotterdam Convention - Annual Export authorisation - Category B' and fill in your business contact and application contact. Then click Save.
  4. In 'Upload application form', upload the Rotterdam Convention: Annual Export authorisation form (AICIS form)
  5. In 'Upload any supporting documents', upload the Export Notification Form.
  6. Pay invoice and submit the application form

Category C

Export Authorisation #5 - An Australian business exporting a banned or severely restricted chemical to a destination country that is not a Party to the Rotterdam Convention.

Instructions for Category C

  1. Download and complete 
  2. Log in to AICIS Business Services and click 'Other applications'
  3. For the application type, select 'Rotterdam Convention - Annual Export authorisation - Category A or Category C' and fill in your business contact and application contact. Then click Save.
  4. In 'Upload application form', upload the form.
  5. Pay invoice and submit the application form

Exports of tetraethyl lead

Tetraethyl lead is a highly toxic fuel additive. Although it is listed on the Inventory, the export of tetraethyl lead is subject to special conditions. If you wish to export tetraethyl lead, please contact us


Payments are non-refundable.

Description Fee A$

Apply to export a Rotterdam Convention banned or severely restricted industrial chemical – Category A.

Go to our fees page.

Apply to export a Rotterdam Convention banned or severely restricted industrial chemical – Category B. Go to our fees page.
Apply to export a Rotterdam Convention banned or severely restricted industrial chemical – Category C. Go to our fees page.
Last updated
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