Choose from 5 options:
Q1. Is the total introduction volume of the chemical 10 kg or less per year?
This is the combined volume of the chemical that you will introduce in an AICIS registration year in all your products that contain the chemical.
If yes, go to Q2. If no, go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions, or skip to Step 4.
Q2. Is your chemical in this table below?
Chemical name | CAS number |
Benzene, 1,1'-(1,2-ethanediyl)bis[2,3,4,5,6-pentabromo- (also known as decabromodiphenylethane or DBDPE) | 84852-53-9 |
Benzene, 1,1'-oxybis-, pentabromo derivative (also known as pentabromodiphenyl ether) | 32534-81-9 |
Benzene, 1,2,3,4,5-pentachloro- | 608-93-5 |
Benzene, hexachloro- | 118-74-1 |
If no, go to Q3.
If yes, the chemical is not eligible for the reported category - introductions of 10 kg or less. The reason is because the chemical was either removed from the AICIS Inventory, or its certificate was cancelled because risks to human health or the environment could not be managed. Go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions or skip to Step 4.
Q3. Will your chemical have an end use in cosmetics?
Note: if your chemical will be an ingredient in cosmetic products, then answer yes.
If yes, go to Q4. If no, skip to Q5.
Q4. Is your chemical prohibited or restricted in the EU or USA for use as a cosmetic or in a cosmetic?
Chemicals that are prohibited or restricted in the European Union (EU) or the United States of America (USA):
If no, go to Q5. If yes, go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions or skip to Step 4.
Q5. As far as you know, is the chemical classified according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) as having:
Note: You could check the SDS, product information sheets, or find out from your supplier.
If no to all, go to Q6. If yes to one or more, go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions or skip to Step 4.
Q6. As far as you know, will the chemical be introduced as a solid or in a dispersion?
Note: You could find out about the appearance from the SDS, technical data sheet or your supplier. For example, if the SDS indicates that the chemical being introduced is a liquid, answer 'no'.
If yes or unsure, go to Q7. If no, skip to Q8.
Q7. As far as you know, does the chemical consist of solid particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or agglomerate, any of which have at least one external dimension in the nanoscale (1-100 nm)?
Note: You could check if there are any claims related to the presence of solid particles at the nanoscale in technical data sheets and commercial labels for the product containing the chemical.
If no, go to Q8. If yes, go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions or skip to Step 4.
Q8. Does statement A) or B) apply about your chemical?
If A) or B) or both apply, go to Q9. If neither apply, go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions or skip to Step 4.
Q9. As far as you know, is your chemical persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) under the Australian environmental criteria for PBT?
Tip: You could check the chemical’s SDS or find out from your supplier. Further information on the meaning of PBT is in the ‘Australian Environmental Criteria for Persistent, Bioaccumulative and/or Toxic Chemicals’ on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s website.
If yes, go to 3.2: low-risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions or skip to Step 4.
Flavour blends are mixtures of chemicals that are formulated to impart a taste. Fragrance blends are mixtures of chemicals that are formulated to impart a scent or cover a malodour.
Your introduction is categorised as reported if it meets requirements of either Scenario 1 or Scenario 2.
Do all 6 points apply to your chemical?
If you answered no to any of the points in Scenario 1, check Scenario 2.
If you answered yes to all points in Scenario 1, then your introduction is categorised as reported (low risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions). Skip to Your obligations after categorisation.
Optional: you can continue through steps 4, 5 and 6 to see if your introduction can be in the exempted category.
Do all of the following points apply to your chemical introduction?
If you answered no to any of the points in Scenario 2, then go to 3.3 Chemicals that are used only for research and development, or skip to Step 4.
If you answered yes to all points in Scenario 2, then your introduction is categorised as reported (low risk flavour or fragrance blend introductions). Skip to Your obligations after categorisation.
Optional: you can continue through steps 4, 5 and 6 to see if your introduction can be in the exempted category.
Your introduction is categorised as reported if all of the following apply:
and point 1 or 2 or 3 applies:
Read our extra guidance on categorisation of chemicals introduced for research and development
If your introduction does not meet the criteria, then go to Step 4.
This means that your introduction is in the 'reported' category. Skip to 'Your obligations after categorisation' to learn about your reporting and record-keeping obligations.
Optional: You can continue through steps 4, 5 and 6 to see if your introduction can be in the exempted category. If you would like your chemical to be added to the Inventory, you can apply for an assessment certificate (fee applies).
Continue with this guide to work out if your introduction is in the exempted, reported or assessed category. Go to Step 4: Work out your introduction's risk to human health.