Choose from 5 options:
Guide to completing the ‘Hazard and exposure’ section of the pre-introduction report for ‘internationally-assessed for the environment but not human health’ in AICIS Business Services.
Our hazard characteristic definitions are broader than the definitions or classification criteria under the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
Select your answer
If you answer 'yes', select the hazard classification for your chemical in the dropdown box. You can choose more than one. For example, GHS, HCIS.
The types of hazards could include:
Answer no, if there are no human health hazard characteristics for your chemical.
If you answer yes, you must select from the picklist (can be more than one):
Human health hazard band A
Human health hazard band B
Human health hazard band C
Select your answer: human health exposure band 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Select your answer: item number 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 for your introduction. See below for the description of each item number as set out in Schedule 1, Part 1, Clause 1(1) of the Industrial Chemicals (General) Rules 2019.
Select item number ‘1' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 1 because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘1A' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 1 because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘2' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 2 because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘3' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 2, because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘4' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 3, because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘5' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 3, because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘6' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 4, because all of the following apply:
Select item number ‘7' for this question if the human health exposure band for your introduction is 4, because the following applies: