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The Inventory is a database of industrial chemicals available for industrial use in Australia.
The Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (Inventory) is a database of chemicals available for industrial use in Australia and it has a legal purpose. It contains chemical identity details (for example, the chemical name and molecular formula) and regulatory obligations or conditions relating to the importation and manufacture of chemicals in Australia.
The Inventory was sometimes referred to as 'AICS' under the old scheme, NICNAS.
If you're planning to import or manufacture (introduce) an industrial chemical, or a product that releases industrial chemicals, you must register your business and then work out which AICIS introduction category applies to each chemical ingredient that you wish to introduce. This process is referred to as 'categorisation' and the first step is to search the Inventory. You must search for each industrial chemical ingredient separately if you are introducing a product that has more than 1 industrial chemical.
We've put together an information sheet to help you understand who needs to check the Inventory and what you will (and won't) see on an Inventory listing.
Click on the image to view and download the PDF file: