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form(s) in AICIS Business Services
You can apply to be added as a holder of a CEA. You need the consent of all holders of the CEA.
Description | Fee $(AUD) (GST does not apply) |
Apply to add an authorisation holder |
We can add you as a CEA holder provided you have given us the required information and uploaded the relevant consent form(s).
If your application meets all requirements, you will be added as a CEA holder. We will advise you and all CEA holders by email.
Anyone added as a CEA holder must understand their compliance obligations.
You must submit signed consent forms from all CEA holders with your application.
*To view and use fillable forms, you need: Adobe Reader version 5.0 or higher
We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, please contact us for help.
Upload application and consent form(s) in AICIS Business Services
Step 1
Download the application form and fill out the required information including the declaration.
Step 2
Make sure you save it to your hard drive as a PDF. Click File > Save and select a location for the file.
Step 3
Login to AICIS Business Services with your user name and password.
Step 4
Click on the 'Other applications' tab, then click on 'create new application'. From the drop down list of applications click 'Add a commercial evaluation authorisation holder'.
Step 5
Upload each consent form with the application.
Step 6
Note; we cannot process your application if we don't receive consent forms.
You can apply to be removed as a holder of a CEA, if there is more than 1 CEA holder.
Note: If you want to be removed as a holder of a CEA and you are the only holder - you need apply cancel your CEA.
Description | Fee $(AUD) (GST does not apply) |
Apply to remove an authorisation holder |
Once we process your application, we will advise you and all CEA holders.
*To view and use fillable forms, you need:
* Adobe Reader version 5.0 or higher
We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, please contact us for help.
Upload application in AICIS Business Services
Step 1
Download the application form and fill out the required information including the declaration.
Step 2
Make sure you save it to your hard drive as a PDF. Click File > Save and select a location for the file.
Step 3
Login to AICIS Business Services with your user name and password.
Step 4
Click on the 'Other applications' tab, then click on 'create new application'. From the drop down list of applications click 'Remove a commercial evaluation authorisation holder.
Step 5
Upload and submit your form.