Choose from 5 options:
working days to process
form(s) in AICIS Business Services
You must be a certificate holder to apply to add a person to be covered by the certificate via the AICIS Business Services. The certificate must still also be in force. Each existing certificate holder must provide a signed consent form to agree for the person to be covered. The person you are adding must also provide a signed consent form.
Once covered by the certificate, the person or the business can lawfully introduce the chemical within the terms of the assessment certificate.
See our information on the role of certificate holders and persons covered by certificates
Description | Fee $(AUD) (GST does not apply) |
Apply to add a person covered by a certificate |
Once we have processed your application we will notify the person who has been added as a person covered by a certificate. We will also notify all certificate holders of the change.
Anyone added to be covered by a certificate must understand their compliance obligations.
Submit the application and consent form(s) in AICIS Business Services. We cannot process your application if you don't provide all the information we ask for.
*To view and use fillable forms, you need:
* Adobe Reader version 5.0 or higher [https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/]
We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, please contact us for help.
Upload application and consent form(s) in AICIS Business Services
Step 1
Download the application form and the consent forms.
Click File > Save to save as a PDF and select a location for the file. You do not need to sign the application form if you apply through your own AICIS Business Service account. Note, anyone added as a person covered by an assessment certificate must understand their compliance obligations.
Step 2
Login to AICIS Business Services with your username and password. You must be a certificate holder. If you don't have an account, you will need to create one.
Step 3
Select the 'other applications' tab, then select 'create new application'. From the picklist, select 'Add a person covered by a certificate'. Next, select the business and application contacts.
Step 4
Click on the 'certificate look up' and enter your assessment certificate number (example CERT1234), and click search. If you find a match, click on the select button to link the certificate number to your application and save. If you don't have any assessment certificate number, contact us and quote or select 'Assessment certificate' as the topic. We will then provide it.
You can pay the fee be selecting the 'invoice tab'.
Step 5
Click on ‘Upload form’ tab and upload your saved application and any supporting documents, if required.
Note, you must upload a signed consent form from each of existing certificate holders along with a signed consent form from the person to be covered by the certificate. We cannot process your application if any consent form is missing.
Step 6
Once the other sections are complete, select the 'Declarations' tab. Check the declaration box and submit your application.
Once we remove you/your business as a 'person covered by a certificate', you can no longer introduce the chemical into Australia under the certificate.
The person/business who wishes to be removed as a person covered by a certificate.
You must provide:
Submit your application in AICIS Business Services
Description | Fee $(AUD) (GST does not apply) |
Apply to remove person covered by a certificate |
After we process your application, we will notify you and all certificate holders that you have been removed from being covered by the certificate.
You must submit your application in AICIS Business Services. We cannot process your application until we receive all required information.
To view and use fillable forms, you need:
• Adobe Reader version 5.0 or higher [https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/]
We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, contact us for help.
Step 1:
Download the application form and fill out the required information.
Step 2
Make sure you save it to your hard drive as a PDF. Click File > Save and select a location for the file.
Step 3
Log into AICIS Business Services with your username and password, or create an account if you don’t have one.
Step 4
Select the ‘Other applications’ tab, then select ‘create a new application’. From the picklist, select ‘Be removed as a person covered by a certificate’. Next select the business contact and application contact from the picklist.
Step 5
Select the 'certificate look up' and enter the AICIS assessment certificate number (example CERT1234) and search. If you find a match, click on the select button to link the certificate number to your application and save.
If you don't have any assessment certificate number, contact us and quote or select 'Assessment certificate' as the topic. We will then provide it.
Step 6
Select ‘Upload Form’ and upload your saved application and any supporting documents, if required.
Step 7
Once you've completed all sections, finish by completing the 'Declaration' tab and submit your application.