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A certificate holder can cancel an assessment certificate. If there are any joint certificate holders, all of them must also consent to the cancellation.
working days to process
form(s) in AICIS Business Services
we do not charge for this service
Submit application in AICIS Business Services
A certificate holder can cancel an assessment certificate.
If there are any joint certificate holders, all of them must also consent to the cancellation. In this regard, whoever is applying to cancel the certificate (the primary applicant), must upload signed consent forms for all joint certificate holders.
If any joint certificate holder DOES not agree, we cannot cancel the certificate but you can apply to be removed as a certificate holder instead.
We will confirm in writing (you should allow 10 working days for us to process) to you and any other certificate holders that the certificate has been cancelled.
If you don't agree with our decision, you may ask us to reconsider our decision. You must submit a written request to the Executive Director within 20 working days of receiving our decision.
You do not need to sign the application form. However, if there are joint certificate holders, signed consent forms are required.
To view and use fillable forms, you need Adobe Reader version 5.0 or higher [https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/]
We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems using a document with your accessibility tools, please contact us for help.
Step 1
Download, the application form and fill out the required information.
Step 2
Make sure you save it to your hard drive as a PDF. Click File > Save and select a location for the file.
Step 3
Log into AICIS Business Services with your username and password.
Step 4
Click on the ‘Other applications’ tab, then click on ‘create a new application’. From the drop down list of applications, select 'Cancel an assessment certificate'.
Step 5
Click on 'Upload Form' and upload your saved application and the consent form(s) if required.
If there are joint certificate holders, all of these must sign a consent form each and you need to upload each consent form with the application.
Signature is required and can be done by either:
Note: we cannot process your application if we don't receive consent forms.