Choose from 5 options:
You must register your business with us before you start importing or manufacturing.
First, you'll need to sign up for an account on our AICIS Business Services portal. Most businesses will need an Australian business number (ABN) to register with us. However, if you are a small business wanting to introduce chemicals, you can still register without an active ABN.
If you are a foreign (non-Australian) businesses – you’ll need an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN).
You must register your business if:
• you import or manufacture industrial chemicals; or
• you import or manufacture products that contain industrial chemicals to sell commercially
This means your registration starts from the date you register with us and expires on 31 August each year. You must be registered before you introduce industrial chemicals in any registration year.
You need to know the value of industrial chemicals you imported or manufactured during the previous financial year (1 July - 30 June).
Use our calculator to help you work out your introduction values
As a guide to determining the value of your chemicals, you could use relevant commercial documents such as commercial invoices, orders or confirmations, airway bills, insurance certificates or receipts for purchase of goods. You must keep records for at least 5 years.
Step 1: If you’re a new user, go to AICIS Business Services and click ‘Sign up’ to create an account.
Step 2: Read the disclaimer then select the check box to confirm you have read and understood the information provided. Click ‘Next’.
Step 3: If you have an ABN (for Australian businesses) or ARBN (for foreign businesses), select ‘yes’ to the question about having an active ABN. Enter your ABN or ARBN and click ‘Get ABR’ details. Complete the rest of the enrolment form and click ‘Next’.
If you don't have an ABN, select 'no' to the question about having an active ABN and choose the reason why from the drop-down box.
If you get an error message that the ABN or ARBN already exists in the system, contact your business administrator or call us on 1800 638 528. |
Step 4: You will receive an email with your username and instructions about how to set your password. Click on the link in the email.
Step 5: You will be directed to our password reset page. Enter your username and click ‘Reset password’.
Step 6: You will receive a password reset email. Click the link in the email. Enter your new password, confirm and click ‘Submit’.
Step 7: You will see a message confirming that your password has been created. You can now log on to AICIS Business Services.
Step 8: Once you’re logged in, click on the ‘Registration’ tab, then click on ‘Register now’.
Step 9: Enter the value of the industrial chemicals imported and/or manufactured during the previous financial year (1 July – 30 June) in $AUD. Confirm your information is true and correct, then click on ‘Submit’. If you are registering for the first time and you did not introduce industrial chemicals in the previous financial year, enter a value of $0 AUD.
Step 10: Click on the ‘Payments’ tab. If you want to pay your registration fee by credit card, use the ‘Pay’ button. If you want to download your invoice and get the details for other forms of payment, use the ‘Download’ button.
Step 11: Once we process your application, you’ll receive an email and will be able to download your registration certificate from the portal. We'll also publish your business name and registration number on our registered businesses page. Your registration remains in effect until 31 August each year.
Contact us to ask a question, request information or give feedback.