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Registration is still open on AICIS Business Services for the 2024-25 registration year (1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025).

Record-keeping obligations for assessed introductions

If you hold an assessment certificate - or are covered by an assessment certificate - and are introducing chemicals in accordance with that certificate, you must keep certain records.

What you must submit

All importers and manufacturers (introducers) of industrial chemicals must submit an annual declaration after the end of our registration year. Your first AICIS annual declaration is due by 30 November 2021.

Why you must keep records

You must keep certain records about your chemical introductions to confirm they are authorised as assessed introductions. This also ensures you’re aware of any changes that could impact your categorisation. You must keep these records for 5 years, even after you’ve stopped introducing your chemical.

We may ask for your records

We may ask for your records to ensure your chemical introduction is authorised as an assessed introduction. If this happens, you must provide all the information we ask for within 20 working days.

Learn more about our laws, rules and regulations.

Records you must keep

You must keep the following records for assessed introductions:

  • The proper name for your chemical. If you don’t know the proper name for your chemical - you must keep a record of the AICIS Approved Chemical Name (AACN).
  • If the terms of the assessment certificate for your chemical include a defined scope of assessment - records to prove that you are introducing or using your chemical in accordance with that defined scope.
  • If the terms of the assessment certificate for your chemical include conditions relating to its introduction or use - records to prove that you are complying with the conditions.
  • If the terms of the assessment certificate for your chemical include specific requirements to give us information - records to prove that you are meeting those requirements.
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